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Our Terms, Conditions and Ethics
Sharing Business Ideas must exist in an atmosphere of absolute trust.

I am committed to the privacy and security of your Business Ideas and Personal Information.

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before purchasing an Online Course and print off a copy for your records.

For purchases via our website, by clicking on the “Accept” button you agree to the terms of this agreement which will bind you.  If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you must cease to continue to purchase any Services from us. 

Online Privacy StatementAt certain points in the GeniusCore Online Training process, you may be asked to share your email address or other personal identifying information with us. As provided in these Terms and Conditions, such information will never be distributed to a third party and it will never be publicly visible without your express written consent. Additionally, GeniusCore Online Training will not share any information concerning the Founders’ new business to anyone unless given permission by the Founder. All proceedings will be kept strictly confidential.

Use of the Site

The GeniusCore Online Training website hosts a blog and sometimes a public forum, both of which are equipped with commenting facilities. While we invite you to share your opinions and questions in this way, they must not be used to distribute spam messages, post commercial advertisements, or spread links to malicious or dangerous websites. We retain the right to moderate any comment or written content submitted to the The GeniusCore Online Training website and will remove any content that we think have violated our policies. If you create a link to a page of this website, you do so at your own risk. We strive to keep the website uninterrupted, timely, and error free, however, by using the site, you indemnify this Company, its employees, agent and affiliates against any loss or damage, in whatever manner, however caused.

Links from this Website

From time to time, we may link to another website because of the relevance of the material. We will strive to use only reputable sites but please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, or content of these sites. You alone are responsible for any personal information that you share with them.

The GeniusCore Online Training shall provide to the Founder the consulting and/or training services listed in the Training Agreement. The Services shall be provided at the times agreed upon and documented in the Training Agreement by the Founder and The GeniusCore Online Training. The Founder acknowledges that in the performance of the Services, GeniusCore Online Training may require the disclosure of certain information, or access to certain of Founders’ business information. The Founder agrees to provide GeniusCore Online Training all access reasonably requested to enable GeniusCore Online Training to complete Services in the time specified in the Training Agreement. GeniusCore Online Training will have no liability for any failure to comply with the timing set forth in the Training Agreement caused by or arising out of the Founders’ failure to provide necessary information or access. The Founder acknowledges and agrees that The GeniusCore Online Training has only a general knowledge of the Founders’ business and does not have expertise in the Founders’ business, operational requirements or needs. Further, the Founder acknowledges and agrees that he/she is in the best position to determine the operational needs and requirements for the Founders’ business. As a result, the Founder acknowledges that it is Founders’ responsibility to confirm that the Training Agreement satisfies the operational needs and requirements of Founders’ business and to identify any modifications to the Training Agreement required to conform to the operational needs and requirements of Founders’ business.

In the event the Services require GeniusCore Online Training to develop Management Tools (“Deliverables”), the Founder shall have (10) business days to review the Tool for any non-conformance with the terms in the Training Agreement. In the event the the Founder does not report any such material non-conformance to The GeniusCore Online Training within the ten (10) day period, the Founder will have been deemed to have accepted such Deliverable and the Founder waives and releases The GeniusCore Online Training from and against any claim, liability, damage, demand, cost and/or expense, or suit arising from or related to such Deliverable developed by GeniusCore Online Training on behalf of the the Founder.  In the event the Deliverable is not in material conformance with the terms of the Training Agreement, GeniusCore Online Training will remedy such material non-conformance so as to bring it into material compliance with the Training Agreement.

Founder’s Responsibility to Employees

The Founder acknowledges that the management skills may be used to assess an employee’s knowledge, skills, abilities and talents. When the management skills are being used to make decisions about an employee or potential employee the the Founder should review all relevant facts before making a decision. The Founder acknowledges and agrees that the Founder is solely responsible for the use and application of the management skills. The Founder acknowledges that the Founder has a responsibility to thoroughly review and evaluate the material, techniques and knowledge provided by The GeniusCore Online Training. Customer shall indemnify and hold The GeniusCore Online Training and/or its affiliates harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and/or expenses and suits arising out of the use of the management skills or techniques taught by TheGeniusCore Online Training to determine decisions relating to employees, including but not limited to any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs, and/or expenses, and suits arising from, related to, or caused by any employment decisions, whether favorable or adverse in nature or effect, made by the Founder based upon the Founders’ use of the management techniques or Deliverables, including but not limited to employment termination or discharge, or discipline; employee compensation; and/or employment promotions or advances.

Charges and Billing 

In order to purchase any of the Services on-line you must register for an account with us via the Website.  If you already have an account with us you can log into your account using your user name and password.

 When you place an order for a Service via the Website, you are offering to purchase the Services on these terms and conditions.

A legally binding agreement between us and you shall come into existence when we have :
(a)    accepted your offer to purchase Services from us by sending you an email confirming the purchase; and
(b)    received payment of the relevant Fees from you.

Where your order consists of multiple Online Courses or multiple Taught Courses , each individual course will be treated by us as a separate offer to purchase.  Acceptance of your offer to buy one or more courses will not be acceptance by us of your offer to purchase any other courses.


The Founder shall pay to The GeniusCore Online Training, the fees listed in the billing page referencing the Training Agreement for the consulting and training services to be conducted by GeniusCore Online Training. Billing shall be in advance. All amounts are in US dollars to be paid to GeniusCore LLC.  The GeniusCore Online Training shall be under no obligation to provide any services hereunder if the Founder is in default of the Founders” payment obligations. You may cancel your order within 15 days of  purchase if not satisfied.

If you have purchased an Online Course and have already accessed, downloaded all or part of the Online Course and/or started to use that Online Course then you shall have no right to cancel your order.

Independent Contractor

The relationship of the parties is that of independent contractor, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, franchise, employment, or agency relationship between the parties.  The Founder shall have no authority to enter into agreements of any kind on behalf of The GeniusCore Online Training and shall not have the power or authority to bind or obligate GeniusCore Online Training any manner to any third party.


Copyright and other relevant intellectual property rights exists on all text relating to The GeniusCore Online Training services and the full content of the website. The GeniusCore logo is a registered trademark in the United States and in other countries.   The brand names and specific services of this company featured on this website are trade marked.

Notification and Changes

The GeniusCore Online Training reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site and services will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. If there are any changes to our privacy policy, we will announce that these changes have been made on our home page and on other key communications vehicles. If there are any changes in how we use our operations’ Founders’, personally identifiable, information, notification by e-mail or postal mail will be made to those affected by this change. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on our web site, email and text notification 30 days prior to these changes taking place. You are therefore advised to re-read this document on a regular basis.

These terms and conditions form part of the Agreement between the Founder and The GeniusCore Online Training. Your accessing of this website and/or undertaking of a booking or Agreement indicates your understanding, agreement to and acceptance, of the full Terms and Conditions contained herein.


We aspire to use only ethical standards and practices when dealing with our clients.


They are as follows:


We will serve our clients with integrity, objectivity, and professionalism.


We and the clients will establish realistic expectations of the benefits and results of our services.


We will only accept assignments for which we possess appropriate experience and competence to perform.


Before moving forth on a project, we will make sure that we have worked with our client to establish a mutual understanding of the objectives, work plan, and fee arrangements.


We will hold confidential all client information that is not public knowledge.


We will withdraw from a consulting assignment when we believe our objectivity or integrity may be negatively influenced.



Our Families Must Have Legacy Businesses for the Kingdom of God

Our Commitment

I will provide the most effective Management Training available. My courses will contain perpetual skills that will permeate and facilitate success in every market discipline. Participants will be able to acquire the skills in a simple and straightforward manner. My Mission is to help our people rise to the position that our Father intended us to hold from the beginning of time.  It is now time for us to fulfill our priestly Missions. The prophecy of Isaiah will be manifested at this time in the history of the world.

“And they shall rebuild the old ruins, 

They shall raise the former desolations,

And they shall repair the ruined cities,

The desolations of many generations.”

Isaiah 61:4 NKJV



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